My Classroom Website

Welcome to Mrs. Zurita's Class Web Site Cool

October 4-8, 2010 

Report Card time is here at last! Next week on the 13th we will be sending report cards home.  Please remember that this is a standards based report card system. If there are any questions about your child’s progress fell free to contact me.       

 We are proud of the progress we have made in the last nine weeks. We have established our routines and rituals. We are a clear understanding of classroom expectations and are becoming accustomed to our individual schedules. I am very proud that all of our children have the opportunity to participate in inclusion classes daily.      

As we continue throughout the year we will have more homework assignments to complete and class work to show how much we are learning. So please stay in touch with our class. For the next four weeks we will be discussing ways to demonstrate compassion.

Fall is in the air and chilly weather is upon us. Please wear a jacket of some kind to school in the mornings, just in case we take a trip outside. Early Release day is next Tuesday.

Students may bring a daily snack to be eaten around 1:45 in the afternoon.

Spelling Words

Letter soundsSight wordsCompassion
At , him, withup, all C, d, l, r, ch, cl, st, ampLook, is, her, go, someWeek 1: forgiveness

 Heather Zurita
